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I am Natalie Rojas Lao

My priority is the integral health of the patient

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We are located in Coronado, San José, Costa Rica.

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Mercury Free Dentistry and High Quality Materials.

Safe Mercury Silver Fillings Removal

Use of laser for different procedures

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We take care of the environment.

Our system reduces the amount of mercury released to the environment

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Dr Natalie Rojas Lao

I'm very happy to see how the life style of my patients improves. Not only the mouth health but also the entire body and mind.

Our priority is your health, we will take care of you with professionalism and warmth.

Dr. Natalie Rojas Lao

Our patients are first, that's why we will give you the best.

We believe that the mouth is a mirror of our mind and body. We are focused on biological dentistry, taking care of our patient's well-being, and at the same time of the environment.

We practice the holistic dentistry, we not only focused on the mouth health but also to improve the integral health of our patients, that is why we used bio compatible high quality materials and integral treatments. We are a mercury free dental clinic, and follow a strict and safe protocol for amalgam removal.

Warmth and honest treatment for patients

Warmth and honest treatment for patients

Our goal is the patient well-being above all. We are aware of how beautiful and perfect is the human being, that's why we work with love, providing you a high quality service, working with mysticism and warmth.

We use the most high quality materials

We use the most high quality materials

Our materials have been analyzed to choose the best for our patients and to achieve long term treatments and of high aesthetic and best quality. Being bio compatibles and of course without toxic substances that may harm our patients.

Use of laser for several treatments

Use of laser for several treatments

We have a laser equipment that it is used for whitening, wounds in mouth, hypersensitivity, aphthas, pain, periodontitis (inflammation of the tissue surrounding the teeth), herpes, abscesses, post surgery phases, and others.

Digital X-ray

Digital X-ray

We have a digital X-ray equipment, which substantially reduces the patient's exposure to radiation and allows us to show his x-ray to explain his condition.

Listen to relaxing music

Listen to relaxing music

Watch a landscape and listen to relaxing music or sounds while being treated. Or your companions can choose their favorite movies while they wait.



Children can have a fun time during their visit. Being able to see their favorite animated favorite while they are attended to or waiting.

Bio compatible dentistry

Bio compatible dentistry

We use non toxic materials that not contains substance like BisGMA, BPA and other. And our procedures are intended to avoid the poisoning of the body and the environment, we follow the SMART protocol for amalgam removal. We are members of IAOMT (International Academy of Oral Medicine and Toxicology) and IABDM (International Academy of Biological Dentistry and Medicine).

Mercury Free Dentistry

Mercury Free Dentistry

Several researches indicates that the mercury is connected to many health issues like allergies, cronic headaches, dermatitis, thyroid disorders, arthritis, colitis, digestive problems, spontaneous abort, Alzheimer, memory issues, high levels of triglyceride , autism and others.

The amalgams or silver fillings are composed by as much as 50% of mercury. For this reason in our clinic we don't place amalgams to our patients.

However, when they are removed they release an important amount of mercury vapor, that is why it is a must to have a special procedure to remove them. In our clinic we follow the most strict protocols for the silver fillings removal.

We think is time to work on a mercury Free dentistry, because there are many researches and studies that prove its high toxicity and how difficult is to remove it from our bodies and the environment, that is why we have a special equipment for the safe amalgam removal to avoid the patients to be exposed even more when their amalgams are removed.

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We take care of the environment

We take care of the environment

Our system avoids the mercury vapor to be released to the environment. It has been demonstrated that most of the mercury released to the environment comes from dental clinic and cadaver cremation.

We cannot be healthy if we keep contaminating our natural resources. We cannot enjoy the beauty of the nature if we close our eyes and throw our wastes without thinking. That is why we have a special equipment to filter the waste and we don't place amalgams or silver fillings.

The amalgams being at least 50% of mercury are highly contaminating, that is why it is a must to use a strict and safe protocol to remove them.

Our Team

Our team is focused on take care of you with professionalism, humanity, quality, mysticism and warmth.

Meet our team.

Complete Dental Services and Specialties

We have a team of dentits to cover all your dental needs

General dentistry and specialties

General dentistry and specialties

From restorative procedures like: resins (white fillings), to porcelain veneers, crowns, bridges, implants and prosthesis, surgeries, aesthetic treatments and orthodontics, endodontics treatments (nerve), periodontics treatments (gum) and teeth whitening.

Holistic Dentistry and Bio Compatible

Holistic Dentistry and Bio Compatible

We practice the holistic dentistry, we not only focused on the mouth health but also to improve the integral health of our patients, that is why we used bio compatible materials and integral treatments.

Teeth whitening using laser

Teeth whitening using laser

We have a laser equipment for teeth whitening which gives excellent results with less sensibility feeling or pain.

The laser is different from the traditional led lamp used generally.

Safe amalgam or silver filling removal

Safe amalgam or silver filling removal

We remove your amalgams following the protocol given by the IAOMT (International Association of Oral Medicine and Toxicology).

This procedure minimizes greatly the mercury contamination to which is exposed the patient when the amalgams or silver fillings are removed. Also, we provide the patient with a detoxication plan to release all the mercury remnants that have been accumulated on the body for years.

You must only have removed your amalgams following a strict and safe protocol, not doing this will exposed your body to even higher levels of mercury!


In our holistic view we are always aware that we are a system within other systems that form a unit, which works in a coordinated way and seeking balance. For us it is very important the mental, emotional, spiritual and physical aspect, when it comes to treating our patients, that is why we resort to the following complementary therapies.

We have been trained in these disciplines because we want to give you the best, we want you not only to improve your oral health but your overall health.



Aromatherapy is a therapeutic discipline that takes advantage of the properties of the essential oils extracted from the aromatic plants, to restore the harmony of body and mind. Research has shown that people respond to odors on a higher emotional level than the other senses, the area of the brain associated with the smell is the same as that of memory.

Aromatherapy can transform and balance our emotions, reducing anxiety, anxiety, fear and stress, returning a sense of well-being, which is why it is a tool to control feelings of fear before the dental appointment. Sitting in the dental chair will have the feeling of being in a SPA.

In addition the antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory and curative capacity of this therapy makes it an excellent way to approach inflammatory and infectious dental processes.



Homeopathic medicine is based on the principle that "equal heals equal", under this premise we work at an energy level, with highly dissolved essences, allowing our own body to find balance and to heal itself.

Homeopathy offers several uses to dentistry, both in inflammatory and infectious processes and in anxiety conditions.



Medical Biomagnetism is a therapeutic system developed by Dr. Isaac Goiz Durán since 1988, using magnets to combat parasites, bacteria, fungi, viruses and other germs that are the cause of various diseases.

In dentistry we are constantly working to combat these agents, and the indiscriminate administration of antibiotics make our work more difficult, that is why biomagnetism is an important ally in the resolution of oral conditions with infection and inflammation.

The effectiveness of this therapy in oral pathological processes makes it an excellent ally of our dental treatments due to the innocuity, simplicity, purity and benevolence with which it helps our body to return to homeostasis.



The iris reveals the genetic makeup of the body, the inherent weaknesses as well as inflammatory processes. A complete analysis of the iris shows whether a person has a good or poor body constitution, if there is any area with inflammation, nutritional imbalances, chemicals and TOXIN DEPOSITS. Iridology is part of the preventive care, because it allows us to elucidate areas of risk or with signs of inflammation and intoxication, this aspect is of great help in our field, because day by day we find patients with amalgam restorations that produce great intoxication and associated pathologies. Thus iridology is a complementary technique that helps us to make a more complete assessment and allows us to give a better approach to our patients in improving their general health.

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Give us a call, send us an email or visit us, we are willing to help you!

Visit our clinic

Costa Rica Holística Dental
Dr. Natalie Rojas Lao

250m al este de la gasolinera El Trapiche.
Vázquez de Coronado, San José
Costa Rica

Contact Us

+506 8345-0932

Phone: (506) 2292-0778
Cell Phone: (506) 8327-1193


Monday - Thursday: 8:00AM to 3:00PM

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